A vacation can be a once in a lifetime experience so you may want to create a memorable way to tell your loved ones! Experiences have always been a great gift idea as well so what are some great ways to tell someone that you booked a special trip for them?
The travel advisors at Coasters & Castles Travel shared a few ideas of what they've done in the past or what their clients have done for their families There are some great ideas in here!

I created a letter from Hogwarts inviting my nieces to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.....Hogwarts seal and all. - Carrie McNeil
Currently driving from Orlando to the Keys for my brother to surprise his girl with an engagement/ surprise wedding. Both of our families are surprising her. We have also done surprise Disney trips and then surprised the kids with friends meeting us at the airport. - Jennifer Chappell
We told the kids on Christmas that we were going on our first Disney Cruise with an ornament that says “First Disney Cruise” and told them to find the new ornament on the tree and that’s how the found out! We went a few weeks later. We’ve built puzzles that say… you’re going to Disney world (5 separate puzzles). We've also just gotten in the car and surprised them when we arrived etc. I think we’ve done it all! - Lisa Wainwright
I once bought wood letters and spelled out Atlantis as their gift on Christmas. - Jessica Medeiros

I told the girls nonchalantly they needed to get to bed. We had an early flight the next morning but they also had school the next day. They all looked at me, puzzled. I just said you don't want to miss the flight to Disney. Then it was total chaos! - Lori Smith
We did a scavenger hunt with a gift at the end for my son's birthday. In the gift were Harry Potter themed things since we were going to Universal Orlando. - Megan McDavitt
We surprised the kids with a Disney cruise for Christmas years ago. They had a big box to open together on Christmas morning, and when they did 4 helium balloons popped out, each with a few words on them. They had to arrange the balloons in the right order to get the clue that they were going on a Disney Cruise. Then the magic calls started to come in from our favorite Disney characters and let them know for sure what was happening. - Heidi Lyon

I had a client get their kids up one morning and tell them to go get in the car, they had to go pick up an early Christmas present. Then drove 9 hours to Disney with their 5 kids! - Kara Brown
One of my clients wrapped up the family's Magic Bands as a Christmas gift - they were traveling in January. Another client wrapped up matching Family T-shirts for Christmas and gave each of her grandsons a travel size suitcase - they were traveling in February. Another client gave her twin 8-year-old daughters each a Princess Dress for their birthday - they had appointments at BBB followed by lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table - they were traveling the following week. - Sandy Fardi
We have done it a few different ways. The first time we did a scavenger hunt, the second time I woke them up and asked if they wanted to go to Disney. One time we printed out “airplane tickets” and gave it to them as an end school gift. We’ve been so many times now I don’t think they get as excited about the surprise! - Michelle Skinner
My favorites are creating letters from Hogwarts or a royal invitation. Galactic passports also work if your kids really Star Wars. - Weland Bourne
We wrote letters to the girls from the princesses and mailed them to the house. Then when we got there we asked the front desk at the resort if they can put princess dresses we bought for them in the room while we were at the parks. They gladly did that and the girls thought they were really from the princesses. - Heather Fromm

I've had clients and friends do a few things. One was have a sign with some Disney gifts waiting for them downstairs in the morning. Another was casually tell the kids to get upstairs and get dressed, we need to get going. We're driving to the airport in 30 minutes and flying to Walt Disney World! The last one is really cute. They wrote a letter from Mickey saying he is so excited that they are coming to visit him at his home and he can't wait to see them! Then to check the closet, Tink left a new suitcase and packed it for you so you are ready to go! See you real soon! - Melissa Lenox
Dreaming up a vacation that you'd love to surprise your family with? We recommend Coasters & Castles Travel Vacation Advisors to help you with your next adventure.
Check out their website at http://www.travelcnc.com and click the button below to make your vacation dreams into reality.